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Playwright, Composer, and Lyricist
Steven D. Miller
Trick Whore Treat
2m, 1w
2m 20-35; 1w 20-35
Roger is hosting a bachelor party on Halloween. When sexily-clad Chantelle arrives for trick-or-treat, he and his married friend Travis assume that she's the stripper they were expecting. It takes a while for the confusion to be sorted out.
Special costuming is required for Trick Whore Treat: Chantelle wears a revealing Little Bo Peep outfit. The set, however, is a simple room with just a chair for furnishing.
The mildly sexy and sexist content of Trick Whore Treat is tempered by a lecture from Chantelle on how women must be treated with dignity. Family values are upheld, but not without some questionable behavior beforehand.
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