Playwright, Composer, and Lyricist
Steven D. Miller
Clean Up Clowden
2m, 1w, 6 either
2m 38-60; 1w 38-55; 1 either 60-75, 4 either 30-55, 1 either 16-18
The small city of Clowden has a homeless problem. The newly elected mayor vows to solve the problem, with help from a friend who runs the construction company that is building a new interstate overpass and road extension, and with feedback from four residents of various backgrounds. His loving wife and rebellious teenaged child alternate giving him support and giving him headaches, and a newscaster rounds out the cast, covering the mayor's speeches and interviewing residents. The homeless depart from Clowden, but not in entirely innocent ways.
This fast-moving dramedy cycles through various locations in and around Clowden, primarily meeting rooms, a broadcast studio, an office, and the living room of the mayor's family. Set pieces should be minimal, allowing quick scene transitions. Few props are required: a microphone, cell phones, a book bag, a couple of plates of food, a vodka bottle, a glass of lemonade, and a wrapped bundle of brownies. Lighting and sound effects can enhance a production, but need not be extensive.
Clean Up Clowden juxtaposes the comedy of character with some serious discussions of homelessness, mixed in with nefarious goings-on that need to be kept hush-hush. Cover-ups start to unravel, resulting in rumors, innuendoes, and arguments, leading ultimately to a cynical political ending.