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Out to Here

1m, 3w
1m 40-50; 1w 40-50, 1w 20-24, 1w 16-18

A spate of rapes is plaguing the families of conservative politicians in a state where restrictive abortion and contraception laws have recently been passed. The daughters of legislator Branson Collins attempt to figure out how and why this is happening, and if their father is somehow involved. A happy ending is not assured.

With a cast consisting only of two parents and their two daughters and with a set showing only a portion of a kitchen, Out to Here is a relatively straightforward play to produce. Props, sound effects, and a television broadcast add some variety, and a selection of costumes can help establish the timeline of about a year.

A dystopian near-future is portrayed in Out to Here, with lots of conflict between conservative parents and their more liberal daughters. The parents are secure in their roles as head of the family and supportive wife, while the daughters are full of questions, concerns, and rebellion. Their conflicts drive the play to its sobering conclusion.

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